Sep 7, 2008


I can't say it enough...

So much has happened since I last wrote. Thursday I spent the whole day with my parents. Was able to spend more time with my youngest niece and nephew and before heading to the conference was able to stop and see my other brother and his kids. Boy do kids grow fast in one year! I also had a nice visit with a close friend of mine, Christy Cain. She and her husband were my youth pastors when I was a senior in high school. Since then our friendship has grown. It was so great getting to just sit and talk even if it was a short period of time. Christy has been such a blessing in my life.

So Thursday night we had a wonderful dinner...yummy! I was blessed to finally meet Deanna Shrodes and Tara Sloan. Two of my favorite bloggers! These women are phenomenal writers, co-pastors, and wonderful women of God. They spoke into my life this weekend like never before. I am always ministered to when I read their blogs. I have followed Deanna's blog since she was in Africa last year. I love her! ( I mean that PD!) She is honest, not fake. She puts it out there and even when she may be struggling she doesn't sugar coat what she is going through. I like that, appreciate that and feel blessed to call her a friend. ( I MEAN THAT PD)
Tara is also a wonderful women of God. I met her through Pastoring Partners. She has been an encourager and prayer supporter when I have needed it. She spoke Friday night and let me just say for me, "she hit the nail on the head!" Her message was exactly what I needed to hear! It ministered to me deeply! The worship, the message, the people who prayed with and for me that night....has changed my life. I am forever grateful PT for your boldness and sensitivity to listen to the Holy Spirit and speak truth into my life as well as all those other women in ministry!
There is so much I want to share and I will in the next few days. I am like I said still trying to digest everything I have learned, heard, experienced. I laughed so hard at some of the most funny stories on Friday night. I laughed so hard my sides were aching and my cheeks were throbbing. Laughter is good medicine! We stayed up late (3:00 am on Friday night) and got up early for some great words of wisdom on Sat. I will forever cherish this time. I was able to meet women I have been corresponding with through blogs and Pastoring Partners, which was an added plus I must say! Finally meeting Jessica and Carrie was exciting! Those two women are hilarious and are now some cherished friends I can't wait to spend more time with in the future!

But I have to say getting to spend time with a dear friend, Michele, was definitely a highlight to the conference. Michele has been going through some tough times with her son. Specially last week and yet she took time to come and spend time with me. Michele, you hang tough girl! I know God isn't through with you or Marcus! DON'T give up at the threshold of your break through! I love you girl and am praying for healing for Marcus and for you! Next time I know we will get to spend more time together. I honestly cherish getting to spend the time with you. I also enjoyed getting to know Cathy and Misty. Two more wonderful women that PD has talked about alot on her blog. Two women that support and love her.

So much to share, just so much! I will or I will try to post my adventures of the airplane ride home later tonight or maybe tomorrow. Let's just say the first leg of the trip was a divine appointment and the 2nd well it was not a divine appointment...more like a VERY SMELLY one! Will explain that later. For now I plan to spend time going over all of my notes, catch up on emails, and most importantly spend time with my kids and my hubby. Who by the way survived the 4 diaperheads, cleaned our house and although I am sure he could now use an Unstoppable conference or something like it, did a fantastic job while momma was away! Thank you again Seany for supporting me in everything I do! I love you babe!

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