Oct 5, 2008

Miracles are happening and what was found...

First off, some great news! I got a call today from my mom telling me that our friend Debi is able to feel her big toe on her left foot (had no feeling yesterday) AND she moved her foot a smidgin' away when the doctor pinche her toe. AND she has tingling in both legs!!! Which are all fantastic signs! Keep Praying we are standing firm and believing for this miracle! God can and still does move mountains!

Things found:

This afternoon my kids brought in the largest black hairy caterpillar have ever seen! Seriously it scared the tar out of me! So what does a good mom do? Tells the kids to go wash their hands and give me something to get him off my bed! Once it was removed from my bed and placed on some paper we started to investigate. Thank goodness for the internet, you can find almost any and everything possible. Some not so nice stuff and others ~ fantastic. My camera is in need of batteries at the moment so I am pasting some pictures from Hilton Pond. This wonderful black beast, which measured 2 inches long, actually turns into the Giant Leopard Moth.

Now you tell me God's creation isn't amazing! To go from a hairy worm to a beautiful flying moth! It's like what happens to the sinner, when they except Jesus Christ as their Savior and allow Him to transform them, they turn into a beautiful creation in Christ! That is another reason I love butterflies! The transformation that is uniquely designed by God!

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