Mar 23, 2012

HE HAS RISEN! (Stick Figure Style)

This pretty much speaks for itself!~  VERY proud of Jaron and all he is doing with his video creations!  Please go check it out on youtube and "like it"

Mar 22, 2012

Stick Figure vs Animator

One of the great things about home schooling is that Jaron gets to chose the subjects or topics that he is the most interested in to dive Oh we do the basics and hit every subject but we have the freedom to cover anything that interests him. One of the things he has enjoyed as of late is learning how to make cartoon videos. Its a new hobby. Granted it is not the typical "school" subject BUT he is learning a lot about the computer and other wonderful things. Here is his latest cartoon he has created.  You may need to watch it a few times.

Mar 15, 2012

Cavy Maddness!

We have gone cavy crazy here in the Kelly house!  When the three kids came home from school last week immediately we had 3 new requests for their own cavies. Of which "NO" was the answer.  There is "no way we will have 4 cavies" was my answer. But I did agree to getting one more for everyone to share and love.  So yesterday Jaron and I went to the local pet store and found THE CUTEST cavy I have seen in a long time.  Honestly since we had ChiAlphie when Sean and I were dating.  We are stuggling with a name for her. I believe we may have a female...I keep checking and comparing to pictures on the net but she doesn't particularly like being flipped over to check.  Anyway we are looking for a nuetral name for either a boy or a girl...ANY SUGGESTIONS are welcome!  Right now we have been calling her Jojo but we want a name that fits her character and face.  Well here check out these cute pictures and then leave a name suggestion in the comments!

Mar 8, 2012

A Cavy named Taffy

Jaron is turning 12 at the end of the did I just say 12.  SMH!  Oh how I miss that little curious 2 year old.  Anyway he has been begging us for months for a cavy (guinea pig).  He even has gone as far as to say he would use any birthday money he got to get one.  Well we decided to make it his gift.  He has been part of the process of the decision to get one.  He has had to write and rewrite (three times) a persuasive essay, written a research paper about Cavies, their original origin, their care and the costs of having one as a pet.  He spent weeks doing the research and being patient (not so much), so today I took him to the pet store and he adopted Taffy.  She is about 4 mo old and is as sweet as can be.  Already enjoys Jaron holding her and purrs A LOT! As soon as he saw her, his face lit up, was smiling from ear to ear and I think he was almost in tears he was so happy.  I love seeing him that happy!   We use to have two (Fuzzy and Patch-who had many liters) when he was 2-5yr old and Sean's and my first pet was our fuzzy crazy haired little girl named Chi Alphi (Chee Alfee). LOVE CAVIES!  So without further ado let me introduce you to Taffy!
Enjoying a snack!

Who you lookin' at?
I'm so pretty!