May 15, 2009

The fish was ....this big!

This afternoon the kids begged us to take them fishing. Can you tell they are hooked? he-he Jaron specifically is hooked! Just like his Uncle Chris he is a fisherman at heart I believe. He can't wait for my parents to get here in June. He is praying we have great weather so that he can take his Papaw fishing. Something he has wanted to do for a very long time!
I think if Jaron could be on a boat in a lake catching fish all day he would be one happy kid! Guess some time in the future we may have to consider getting him a small boat ... say in about 6 years or so. He'll be 15 then...maybe he will be ready then for that kind of responsibility, not sure if Mom is ready for that but ya gotta let your kids grow up. Actually don't have much of a choice do we?!

So we decided to go as a family and
we had such great fun! Kristofer
was on the ball catching fish. Every
time we turned around he was yelling I caught a fish. The boy was on fire. It was great! He was so happy! Plus his fever finally broke around noon today and he is feeling so much better! YAY! Kristofer has learned how to catch the fish under the boat ramp. He sits patiently and sticks his hook over the edge and watches for the fish to come up and grab it. Every fish he caught tonight which was like I think 5 maybe 6 different fish all different sizes he caught sitting on the edge of the boat ramp. He was so happy! All the kids were cheering him on! YAY! GO KIDS!

I am SO GLAD Sean went with us, because when we were leaving we realized our back tire was flatter than flat. It was sad. I have never changed the tire on the van and didn't even know how to remove the donut. Ok yes I need to know this stuff and now I do. But I have to say is was a true blessing to have him with us this time around and not because of the tire. Any time we can spend together as a family is always fun and always needed.

We even had a bit of a fishing war between Sean and I.
It was so funny watching him get all excited about the fish he caught till he got it in! HAHAHAHAHA! Sorry but I had to laugh cause his fish put up such a fight he thought it was going to be huge and it turned out to be maybe at the most 3 inches long. LOL! He was releasing his when I caught a fish (actually I caught a 3 tonight). I reeled mine in and really started laughing because mine was at least 6 inches long and way bigger than! Even the kids got a kick out of the fact that I caught the bigger fish. It was definitely one of those ... "and the fish was .... this big" stories. On the way to the van we had an unwanted visitor! A small little snake. We weren't sure what it was till we got home and checked it out online. Thank goodness for the Internet! We believe its a smooth earth snake. It wasn't very big but since we weren't sure what kind it was we or I chased it away with the fishing pole while Sean was chasing the kids into the van. I know role reversal here but had the snake been larger you better believe I would have been the one in the van! LOL. Seriously though things like that don't scare me much. I am more scared of being stranded some where without a cell phone or the means to get some where safe, specially when I have all the kids with me. Again I am SO THANKFUL Sean came with us instead of cutting the lawn this afternoon.

Eli was searching for the crawdad (crayfish) that he had watched steal his worm. He tried for a good 30 minutes trying to catch that thing. Kris was helping him but it was a crafty little thing. It stole so many worms the boys were getting frustrated. In between trying to catch it Kris was also catching fish.

Sara was having a grand time as well. She was using the net we bought today and was catching minnows. Naturally they wanted to bring them home and put then in our fish tank. I doubt they will make it till morning but it made the kids so happy bring something home that they caught.

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