Oct 31, 2008

Wild & Crazy

Today is the last day of October. I must say that last two months have been wild. We have been at the doctors office so many times with each of the kids I am about doctored out! But today that last day of Oct I believe we are heading for the holidays with healthy happy kids! That is what I am praying and believing for!
Just wanted to share a bit here of how our family has been watched over and blessed. Last week our van just decided to quit working again. Not fun specially when Sean had to work. Needless to say we had it towed to the mechanic and he worked his magic. It is back up and running. Sadly though we had to rent a car but we got a great deal for the weekend so that was a blessing. The mechanic who always expects up front payment decided to give us a break and is allowing us to make payments. A huge blessing! We also finally have heat in the van! Last Feb. when we had the first ice storm go through the van lost all heat. It was not a good thing! We finally were able to get it fixed, the blower went out. God has seen us through so many rough patches this year! I am looking forward to the next two months. Although busy months for us in ministry I am so looking forward to what God has planned for our church and our family.
Last night at midnight I had to run back to the store for the party items we signed up to bring for the kids. Unfortunately Sean did not call and was not answering the cell at work so I was up and out really late or early if you see it that way. Thankfully the school does not "celebrate" Halloween, they are having Harvest Parties. But we all know that the kids will come home with candy and spooky treats.
Last year we had a party at church celebrating Jesus. This year I have opted not to the harvest party at church. It did not go over as well as I would have liked it to last year. So this year we will just have our own family fun night. Bought the kids some candy (in lew of trick or treating) and a few little gifts. Such as bouncy punch balloons, whoopee cushions (Kris ask for those) and some silly string. We'll go out to get movies later tonight and then come home to play some games. The kids really want to go trick or treating and I did when I was a little but that was a different time. There are so many dangers out there now and maybe there were then and its more known but I think it's just getting worse morally as well as just the dangers in this country. Plus there is NOTHING about Halloween that celebrates Jesus what so ever. So we will do something as a family tonight and just have some great family fun times.

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