Nov 18, 2007

What we are thankful for...

This week many families will gather together, eat lots of turkey and pumpkin pie and then either clean dishes, watch football or fall asleep on the couch. Many may go through the day and never stop and thank our Heavenly Father for what He has blessed them with. Not us! Thanksgiving is not about turkey or pumpkin pie. It's about being thankful for how God has blessed our family and being thankful that we live in America! This year we have alot to be thankful for here in our house. Last year at this time we were packing to move from Florida to Illinois. We really were not able to concentrate on being thankful, just packing and trying to spend our last moments making memories for our kids with their cousins, Aunts & Uncles and Grandparents. This year will be our first Thanksgiving alone as a family. It will be a little different for us this year. We will celebrate on Wed. night, eat turkey and celebrate Thanksgiving. Why Wed you might ask...well Sean has to work that morning and as soon as he gets home we will load up the van and travel to KY for a few days to spend time with family and friends. Mostly to go place flowers and release balloons to thank God for giving us our little angel SeanPatrick ten years ago.
Each year we have asked the kids to tell us what they are thankful for. This year is no different...

Sara is thankful for: Judah (our dog), her dollies, princess pillow and good food

Eli is thankful for: his toys and lollipops

Kristofer is thankful for: His dinosaurs, cookies, kitties,
his girlfriend ~ Koreena, his toy duck and soda pop

Jaron is thankful for: A supportive family, his bunny, for food in our cabinets, for the toys and bike God blessed him with this year and for all of his cousins

Top 10 things I am thankful for this year!
1. I am very thankful for my salvation and the freedom that comes from God!
2. I am very thankful to serve a loving God who knows where I
need to be and when!
3. For my wonderful and loving Husband~Sean
4. My kids~ Jaron, Kristofer, Eli, Sara and my angel SeanPatrick
5. A home to live in, food to eat and clothes to wear.
6. Having medical insurance that paid for my gall bladder surgery and that
same insurance that has paid for my PT for my knee.
7. For my family, my parents and siblings and their spouses
8. For my friends, far and near
9. For the freedom we have in America to worship my Heavenly Father
10. For my kids who love to sing praises to God
What are you thankful for this year?? Take time to thank God for all that He has blessed you with this year!

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